Monday, July 28, 2008

Thing #12 Conversations

Commenting on blogs requires the same etiquette as holding a conversation with someone. One of the most important things you can do when having a conversation is listen actively. The tip that says "Read first" reinforces the idea that in order to respond to a person, you must first know what they have said. We are often in too much of a hurry to be heard ourselves to take the time to listen to others. Listening, thinking, processing . . . we must take these action steps before we get to expressing. I once heard the saying, "If all you do is talk, you will not ever learn anything new." I remind myself of .this when I get long-winded. In order to learn new things, I must take the time to listen to others.
If I have done a good job of listening, then I can do the second most important thing: make a meaningful comment. If I imagine having a conversation with a person, then the comment I make on his/her blog will be more meaningful. I do not feel like I need to comment on everyone's blog that I read. There were a handful of blogs that I felt said something to me that was important or impressive. It was then that I felt compelled to share a common bond with them by responding to their thoughts and ideas. I did not feel like I had to make up something. I felt that I was reaching out to them with a common sentiment or similar idea. Some blogs had dynamic ideas that I felt needed celebrating, so I commented on those blogs.
I have enjoyed reading the comments on my blog. I look forward to continuing conversations with those who have taken the time to listen and talk to me.
I am also enjoying visiting other links on the blogs. I have chased so many rabbits, I could not possibly record them all here. Maybe I will have time to jot a couple of visits down later . . . after I visit . . . oh, that link looks interesting . . . and that one . . . .

1 comment:

tiggeronmars said...

Greetings from to speak. I am currently on the playgroung of Library2play, Thing 12. As you may recall from the Discovery Activities we were to select at least five different Learn2play blogs and comment. I circled several blog names that interested me to complete this assisgnment which included your blog name. Upon reading your words on Thing 12, I felt an instant connection. I totally agree with your ideas of putting first things listening, think/process, and comment. I enjoyed your comments and look forward to returning at my leisure to read other comments on your blog.